SSH Keys

Quick setup

Create the RSA Key Pair [client]
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Copy the Public Key [client to server]
ssh-copy-id user@ip

Manual setup

Copy the RSA key from [client]
Create these [server]

mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

put the key in authorized_keys [server]

Login restrictions

Config location
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Make sure pubkey auth is enabled
PubkeyAuthentication yes
Disable password auth
PasswordAuthentication no

make sure you test that the publickey works before you disable password auth, otherwise you can't login

you can add address restrictions to use password auth from local addresses [end of the file]

Match Address 192.168.1.*
    PasswordAuthentication yes

you can add more address ranges using a comma

Match Address 192.168.1.*,192.168.2.*,
    PasswordAuthentication yes

reload service
sudo systemctl reload sshd.service

Create SSH tunnel with keyfile

ssh -N -L 8888: -i KEYFILE username@hostname This will map remote:80 to

Putty and moba will work with windows for creating tunnels